Friday, June 26, 2009

How Do You Say Good-Bye????

I have anticipated this move for along time. I remember the day that Traci told me that she was moving to Moses Lake, there were many tears and hugs exchanged. Time passed and it seemed so distant from the present that I just tried to pretend that it would not happen. The days passed and finally the time arrived to say good-bye. The Jefferies are gone! They will never be forgotten, but will be missed. I remember the first time we went to the pumpkin patch, our trips to the State Fair in the fall, all the fun times spent watching our little ones play and make huge messes, and the late night talks and laughs. I remember the green park, bug hunts, fairies and roses, the buzz game, visiting teaching, Puerto Rico, scrap booking, lazagna, swimming, birthday cakes, make-up, halloween parties, mission stories, scriptures, creating, christmas, talks about mothering, hugs and smiles, the list goes on and on. I will never be able to replace the Jefferies, (nor would I try) but the memories that we share will forever hold a place in my heart. There are no words to express the love I have for each one of them. Kelsee said it best, "It's hard to say good-bye to your best friend mom, and it's ok to cry." When I look at the stars I will think of Eliza and Kelsee. When I watch my son play with bugs, I will think of the boys. When I watch a talented performer, I will think of Will. And when I see kindness and love I will think of my Traci! Thank you Will, Traci, Eliza, Hunter and Ethen for being part of our family. There will not be a day that goes by that I will not think of you and miss you. I can only hope that I will see you all again soon and we will begin were we left off!


Traci said...

I LOVE you and your thoughtfullness. I was doing ok until I read that and then the tears started to flow! I remember all those fun times, eternal memories. As I read it to Ethan and Eliza peered over my shoulder, he said, "I miss Lukie" Eliza will write her own thoughts, below. I adore you BFF! I miss you terribly, thanks for your kind words and tenderness. You will always be my sweet Bonnie! Now I am going to go cry my eyes out!!!!

Traci said...

Dear kelsee I miss you. You were always ther for me. I remember putting makeup we are best friends.we are apart but come to visit. LOVE YOUR FRIEND LILA