Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SumMer FuN

This summer has been {CrAZy} to say the least! In the last 3 months my world really has changed dramatically. It all started when my dearest friend moved to Washington. Then I started a new job, packing up my life and moved my family in with Mom and Dad while waiting to finish our house,planned a Stake YW Camp, and then both my children start school. I have felt sad and lonely at times, but also joyful and peaceful. During all the craziness, we have had a lot of FuN this summer. We went to Lagoon, camped at the Spruces, played with friends and family and purchased a little puppy. We have had a great summer and I am sad that it is over. But as I look back over the passed few months I realize that there have been ups and downs, but we have welcomed them all (sometimes reluctantly) and done our best to rise to the occasion. I have said before that when we are mindful of the Lord, He is mindful of us. I know that to be true and know that His arms are always reaching out to help lift us amidst all the change. God is in Charge!

1 comment:

Traci said...

As I looked at your pics, it was definitely with bitter sweet! I wish we were there with you and your little ones to celebrate summer. I couldn't help but smile so big seeing Luke with his giant smile. He is simply adorable. I can see that miss Kels, is still playing dress-up and make-up! As she should be. Sweet post, I am so glad to see you up and running again. It makes me feel closer to you, when sometimes I feel so far away! Love you~