Sunday, May 31, 2009

Downata Hot Springs

The Starr family decided to go on an adventure this week-end. The destination? Downata Hot Springs in Idaho. We slept there over night and then swam all day. It brought back such great memories of my childhood growing up. With 7 children, Mom and Dad did not have a lot of money to travel. But they always made time to see the beauties of Utah. Sitting around a warm campfire and singing together are memories that are forever burned into my mind. Words can't describe how important those bonding times were sleeping snugly in a tent all 9 of us.
During this trip I took the opportunity to stop and see Heavenly Fathers creations. As I sat trying to entertain a small niece, I noticed a bunch of ants trying to build their home. Piece by piece they gathered the grains of sand and constructed the hill. I stopped and thought about all the beautiful creations that Heavenly Father has blessed us with. Even the simple small creations are miracles. I thought of the primary song,

"I feel my Savior's Love, in all the world around me.
His spirit warms my soul, in everything I see.
He knows I will follow Him.
Give all my life to Him.
I feel my Savior's love, the love He freely gives me."
We had so much fun together and gained a greater appreciation for the blessing of our Earth and our Savior who created it all.

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